EmergiQuiz 2024

The period for 2024 case submissions is now closed. The EmergiQuiz team is hard at work reviewing the submissions and will be contacting everyone soon.

  • 4 fellows will be chosen as finalists to present at the Section on Emergency Medicine NCE—a highlight of the meeting!
    • Present live at NCE in Orlando on September 28, 2024
    • Cash winners for best case presentation and best discussion of unknown case
  • Additional honorable mention cases will be featured pre-conference at EmergiQuiz.com
  • Opportunity for exposure to a national PEM audience and potential employers

Anyone currently enrolled in or accepted to a PEM fellowship program is eligible (this includes those beginning fellowship in July, or graduating this summer!)  

Case Submission template forms and detailed submission instructions are attached and included below.  

Deadline for case submission is June 2, 2024 by midnight PDT

Email to:
Marideth Rus, MD, MEd

The Section on Emergency Medicine of the American Academy of Pediatrics
EmergiQuiz 2024
Guidelines for Case Submission

Include the following for each case submitted:

  1. EmergiQuiz Author Information Form 
  2. EmergiQuiz Case Submission Template Form 

4 Parts to the Case Submission Form

Part 1: Description of the patient’s history, physical exam, ED evaluation (diagnostic, imaging, and other relevant studies) and ED/hospital course as it was known prior to uncovering the final diagnosis. Part 1 should conclude without revealing the final diagnosis.  Appropriate concluding statements could be: “and then the definitive diagnostic study was performed” or “The patient was admitted where the diagnosis was made on the 3rd hospital day”, etc.

Part 2: Continuation of the patient’s ED/hospital course– revealing the final diagnosis and how it was made.  A review of the literature, discussion of the differential diagnosis, or description of the features of the final diagnosis is not necessary for the submission.

Part 3:  Images or figures only if applicable

Part 4:  Case summary form which includes differential diagnosis and learning objectives for PEM physicians

Additional guidance for case submission

  • Case title (The title of the case should not reveal the final diagnosis)
  • Case summary parts 1&2 should not exceed 5 pages
  • Carefully consider differential and learning objectives; these elements are essential parts of the scoring of cases
  • Save document with the title of your case as the file name.
  • Do not include any personal identifying information in the case submission (this includes your name as the author of the word document file when saving the file)

Cases will be scored anonymously by a panel of judges giving equal weight to all four criteria.

1. Relevance of learning objectives to PEM physicians
2. Value of differential diagnosis for PEM physicians
3. Uniqueness of information presented
4. Clarity and quality of case summary

EmergiQuiz submissions should be e-mailed no later than June 2, 2024 by midnight PDT. 

*Confirmation that your case has been received will be in the form of a reply email. If you don’t receive an email reply within 5 business days, then please resend the submission. Notification of the selected cases will occur by August 1, 2024.

Check out the 2023 EmergiQuiz cases here

Check out the 2022 EmergiQuiz cases here

Check out the 2021 EmergiQuiz cases here

EmergiQuiz at the AAP NCE

EmergiQuiz is a case-based presentation that challenges the audience to think through the differential diagnosis for a complex case. Each year, 4 pediatric emergency medicine fellows are chosen from a large pool of submissions to present a case.

First, fellows present “Part 1”. During this portion of the presentation, the fellow describes the presentation to the emergency department (ED) and initial studies obtained.

Next, another fellow, who has received only this portion of the case in advance, takes the information the team had in the ED and works through the differential diagnosis During “Part 2”. They then make the best guess on the final diagnosis.

Finally, the original fellow presenter returns to present “Part 3”, which continues the case after admission to the time of final diagnosis, followed by a brief review of the final disease process.

Cases presented are chosen by a panel of judges. After the selected cases are presented, the audience votes on the best case presentation, as well as the best discussion of an unknown case.

Previous EmergiQuiz Cases

2022Julia BrantDiencephalic syndromeColorado Children’s
2022Gina AloisioPRES from pheochromocytomaTexas Children’s
2022Quinney FuThymic hemorrhagePhoenix Children’s
2022Erika CohenXanthogranulomatous pyelonephritisLeBonheur U of Tennesee
2021Jared SchiffBird fancier’s lungCHLA
2021Batool HussainG6PD presenting after Hep AChildren’s Hospital of Michigan
2021Brittany BoswellPseudohypoaldosteronism secondary to UTISeattle Children’s
2021Nick WatkinsPseudothrombotic microangiopathy secondary to vitamin B12 deficiencyLeBonheur U of Tennesee
2020Ashley Griswold HaggertyParoxysmal cold hemoglobinuraVirginia Commonwealth University
2020Nichole McCollumPosterior fossa mss presenting with stridor due to cranial nerve involvementCNMC
2020Chris StemScurvyPittsburgh
2020Kasi EastepVisceral larva migransUniversity of Louisville
2019Rachel CaffertyCongenital syphillisColorado Children’s 
2019Baillie LottIdiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosisLeBonheur U of Tennesee
2019Anneka HooftLatrodectismUCSD/ Rady Children’s 
2019Joshua HaverlandMyasthenia gravisPhoenix Children’s
2018Lydia RabonAbdominal Compartment Syndrome due to MRSA SepsisPhoenix Children’s
2018Wendi WendtGout secondary to hyperparathyroidism Michigan
2018Jayceland HollandNeonatal Purpura Fulminans secondary to GalactosemiaVanderbilt
2018Steve JanofskyTraumatic Hemiplegic MigrainePittsburgh
2017Julie LeviterAddison’s DiseaseBrown
2017Tucker AndersonCat Scratch with neuroretinitis Tennessee
2017Caleb Warddistal ileal volvulus 2/2 persistent omphalomesenteric ductCNMC
2017Seth Woolfsacrococcygeal germ cell tumorYale
2016Laura Sartorifactitious disorderVanderbilt
2016Stephanie MosesPott’s Puffy Tumor from FBAkron
2016Emily RobenPyloric stenosis in 10 day oldLurie Children’s/Northwestern
2016Jessica Perniciarosepsis, retained prod of conceptionCHLA
2015Amy Delarocheacquired HIVChildren’s Hospital Michigan
2015Mariann NoceraFlexeril overdoseBrown University Hasbro
2015Kurtis MayzKleine-Levin SyndromeUniversity of Michigan
2015Adeola Kosokopulm AVM and non-TB mycobacteriumTexas Children’s
2014Sathya Subramaniananti-NMDAR encephalitisSUNY Downstate Kings
2014Ji Won KimHyper IgM and PCP pnaYale
2014Tom CzolgoszMercury poisoningChildren’s Hospital Michigan
2014Jonathen AutenMolar pregnancyUCSD Rady Children’s
2013Alexie Cruz Purancyanide poisoningRochester
2013Mujahida BaramOpsoclonus myoclonus neuroblastomaSt. Louis Univ./Cardinal Glennon
2013Amanda Pricestatus epilepticus from bartonella Medical Univ S Carolina
2013Matthew Thorntonthyrotoxic hypokalemic paralysisYale
2012Brian Basshamethylene glycolVanderbilt
2012Jessica Chenlidocaine toxicity, burnsAkron
2012Saranya SrinivasanscurvyCHLA
2012Ryan CaltagironeVtachColorado Children’s
2011Julia LloydAcute rheumatic fever and septic arthritisChildren’s Memorial
2011Irma Ugaldeanomalous left coronary from aortic sinus between Ao and PAUT Southwestern
2011Mike BaldovskyAortic DissectionLeBonheur Univ or Tennessee
2011Keith WeiszSickle cell trait, splenic sequestrationDenver Children’s
2010Thuy Ngoendocarditis & septic emboliTexas Children’s
2010Todd FlorinLemierre’sCHOP
2010Brian CostelloSepto-optic dysplasiaEmory
2010Katrina Iversonviral myocarditisMichigan
2009Jennifer JacobDuodenal atresia w/ hypoMg dehyd & sz’sRady Children’s UCSD
2009Lorraine NgLupusChildren’s Hospital at Montefiore
2009Rachel TuuriPulmonary veno-occlusive diseaseChildren’s Memorial (Northwestern)
2009Ted BrenkertRat-bite feverMonroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital (Vanderbilt)
2008Katie NicholsonHypocalcemiaYale
2008Purva GloverMyestheniaAkron Childrens
2008Jason AdamsPulmonary AVMAI Dupont
2008Joe GrubenhoffThyroxine poisoningDenver Childrens
2007Cathy JamesArsenic PoisoningBoston Children’s
2007Derya CaglarMultifocal OsteoCHLA
2007Sabah IqbalTAPVRChildren’s National
2007Javier VializThiamine deficiencySt. Chris
2006Hallie KellerAirway/esop FBUtah
2006Jennifer MarinALL of spineCHOP
2006Pavan ZaveriCoarct of abd aortaChildren’s National
2006Myto DoungOsteo/septic phlebitisSL Childrens
2005Stephanie DonigerBrucellaSan Diego
2005Christine ChoCFCHOP
2005Cara DoughtyPheo of bladderTexas Children’s Hospital
2005Kelli PetronisSplenic ruptureKing’s Daughters
2004Pia MeyersCardiac rhabdoMiami
2004Manoj MittalHypercalcemia/ALLCHOP
2004Rakesh MistryMiller-Fisher syndromeMilwaukee
2004Peter AntevyPertussisPitt
2003Laurie Lawrenceacetaminophen toxVanderbilt
2003Russ Horowitzcardiomeg/ricketsNorthwestern
2003Mardi SteereDVT/pelvic rhabdoJax
2003Joseph AllenNeonatal herpesTexas Children’s Hospital
2002Annalise SorrentinoCO poisoningBirmingham
2002Allen HsaioDuodenal hematoma, IBMYale
2002Kelly ButlerPsoas abscess, appiVanderbilt
2002Hannah SmithermanStrep A, epistaxisTexas Children’s Hospital
2001Alonna NorbergAbuseAkron Children’s
2001Jason LittleCAH
2001William StaufferIntussusceptionMineapolis
2001Sabrina PerkinsRenal art thrombosis with hypertensionCMC Dallas
2000Ada EarpEndocarditisTexas Children’s Hospital
2000Theresa MaldonadoMyocarditisMontefiore
2000Anna KarpasShock/traumatic VSDMilwaukee
2000Lina AbujamraVertebral artery dissectionJax
1999Lisa SkokanEhrlichiosisUtah
1999Laura SellsOsteo of c-spineColumbus
1999Sandy GarciaPseudohypoparathyroidTexas Children’s Hospital
1999Julia MacDonaldSeptic arthritisLouisville
1998David DeLemosBurkitt’s lymphoma/htnTexas Children’s Hospital
1998Ron KaplanEthylene toxicityBoston Children’s
1998Cecilia CarubelliNeurocysteicercosisCMC Dallas
1998Brian GilliganSBO from adhesionsUF at JAX
1997Adrenal insufficiencyAkron Children’s
1997Donna MendezSpinal cord AVMTexas Children’s Hospital
1997Kimberly AaronTheophylline toxTexas Children’s Hospital
1997Visual changes in sickle cell disease